Archive for the 'Romney' Category

What’s a conservative to do?? Plus mid-post bonus: Super Bowl joy

February 6, 2008

So long, Mittster. It was nice knowing ya.

It’s pretty obvious at this point that the results of Sooper Dooper Yooper Wooper Tuesday aren’t good for conservativism. It seems that, far from being a contender, Romney is a goner. And so that leaves McCain (McYuck) and Huckabee (I’ll refrain from the obvious slur on this one). I would not be surprised at all if Romney drops out this week.

It’s amazing what the roller coaster of life brings along. Just 2 days ago I was reveling in the pain of the object of my despisement (new word!), Mr. Tommy Brady Bunch. So, in the interest of cheering myself up, I’ll revisit that a little now…

HAHAHAHAHAAH!~!!!!!!!!! TOM BRADY IS A LOOOOOOOOOSER! How’s it feel now, mr. dump my pregnant girlfriend for a supermodel? eh? eh? Oh oh what’s that? Not the best ever? Can you say choke? choke choke choke??? No? How about lackluster performance? Can you say that? Oh wait, it’s not monosyllabic. I apologize.

Anyway. Back to the the end of conservative politics and the republican party as we know them. I am feeling sober this morning about the future prospects of many of the principles in which I firmly believe, but I haven’t lost hope. If there’s anything this whole process has taught me, it’s that KNOW ONE knows the future. Nobody, for example, would have predicted a scant 6 months ago that McCain and Huckabee would get this far. That being said, this election cycle is pretty much over for me. I have zero interest in any of the candidates left, and figuring out what I’m going to do in November in the voting booth will be a long difficult process. On the bright side, the very late May Kentucky primary might actually have some say in who wins the noms for a change.. it’s really too bad that they can all just go eat rocks as far as I’m concerned.

Now, although neither I nor anyone else can possibly predict what’s going to happen, I will try to get lucky.

I am sticking with the same prediction on the Democrat side that I’ve been making for over a year: Hillary wins. But, unlike what I had thought previously, it will not be by a landslide, but by the tips of her chest hair. And honestly, that’s the better thing- an Obama presidency would be a disaster.

On the Republican side, I’m sticking with what I’ve been saying since just before Christmas: McCain wins the nom, and ultimately loses the job to Hil Rod. Get ready, America.

And what of the Huckster? Unfortunately, I think we’ll be seeing him again in 2012 (how’s THAT for a prediction?!).

McCain bites it- sortof

January 16, 2008

This is quite unexpected, at least by me.

In yet another rather unpredictable result for this election cycle, Romney comes out on top in MI, and by a sizable margin. It would not be entirely correct to say he trounced McCain, but I will anyway because it makes me feel all warm an gooey inside to think of John with a little dirt on his face. So here goes: McCain bit it tonight.

Now, I still think McCain will ultimately win the nom before it’s all over, and we’ll have a vanilla McCain vs. Hillary election where there is basically no difference between the 2 candidates except on abortion, and a slight difference in the way you draw the letter of the alphabet appended to their last names (R or D). Such an election will surely drive me to drinking, and no matter who wins I’ve decided that it is pertinent to begin the process of locating the local chapter of AA, and postpone finishing my engineering degree this fall.

Especially in the eventuality of, as Blogging Superboy (and reliably anti-Romney pugilist) Daniel Larison suggests, the awful Mike Huckabee receiving the veep nomination. Can you imagine a world where McCain gets elected, bites it in the existential sense, and we suddenly have President Huckabee signing laws prohibiting fast food? Similar things have happened.

Such gloomy thoughts. I need to think on nicer things.

Go Mitt, Go.. north

January 9, 2008

Can I just point out that, although he’s only placed 2nd in both the Iowa Caucus and the NH Primary, Mitt won Wyoming (granted, it was virtually uncontested), and by placing second to 2 different opponents in both the early states he is leading in the delegate count:

  1. Romney: 30
  2. Huckabee: 21
  3. McCain: 10
  4. Thompso: 6
  5. Paul: 2
  6. Giuliani: 1
  7. Hunter: 1

Now, I still think McCain is going to end up winning. However, I have been reading that if Mitt does well enough in his home state of Michigan to let some air out of McCain’s balloon, things could change very fast.

And I’d be very happy to be proven wrong.

One other thing.  When looking at Giuliani’s placement on that list, I get quite a chuckle.

Mitt’s Itt.

December 11, 2007

I’ve made my decision on who I like for the Republican presidential nomination- and by like, I don’t mean who I’m predicting to win it. I mean the one I want to see clinch it.

It’s not Huckabee; Chuck Norris endorsements not withstanding, he’s just not the guy. Hillary would have him for elevensies. It hurts me to say this, though, as he is the champion of my beloved fairtax.

Thompson is so bad in so many ways, it’s borderline laughable. He might come back, but I don’t see it happening.

I am a big fan of Giuliani, and he has no shortage of apologists whose views I respect (the Dennis’- Prager and Miller- both like him). But God bless him, although he has many admirable qualities, he is simply not a conservative and I can’t support him when there are other, better choices.

As much as it would thrill me to be the ‘go against the flow’ guy, I simply can’t justify Ron Paul. The man is many good things, but a realistic potential POTUS is not one of them. Don’t talk to me about the gold standard, Paulie. And maybe distance yourself from some of the more.. mentally colorful… parts of your base.

John McCain would be my favorite if he were not such an unknown quantity on a few of what ought to be gee, wiz issues. He seems to consistently come down on the wrong side of free speech, immigration, and other things and then try to explain why he’s the one who is making conservative based decisions. Sorry bud, although I would be proud to have you as my president, I’m not buying it for now.

So it’s Mitt. But not by default. He earned it from me via this speech. I haven’t heard anything so genuine and needed in today’s political climate as this in my entire adult life. There are other reasons why Mitt’s my guy, but it’s finals week and this whole post is already one big procrastination. I’ll maybe get around to some of that later.

The speech:

Told ya so

October 16, 2007

The other day, I said:

 Which brings me to Mitt… as a person intimately acquainted with the thinking of Right Wing nut jobs like myself, I… believe that the leaders of the most conservative of national groups will extend the benefit of the doubt to him which they have denied to Giuliani and over look his Mormonism.  Which speaks well of such people by the way, because it means that what is important to us is values and not politics.

And today:

Dr. Bob Jones III, chancellor of the fundamentalist Christian university in Greenville that bears his name, is looking past his religious differences with Gov. Mitt Romney and endorsing the Mormon for the Republican nomination for president, he told The Greenville News this afternoon.

“This is all about beating Hillary,” Jones said. “And I just believe that this man has the credentials both personally and ideologically in terms of his view about what American government should be to best represent the rank and file of conservative Americans.”

I don’t know a whole lot about Bob Jones, but I do know that he’s is representative of the core group of persons which continues to be the most important voting block in America: the values-driven conservative right.  I applaud this move, and submit that James Dobson- instead of going around talking about how awful Guliani is- would be advised to follow suit.

Hill Rod! Part Deux

October 7, 2007

Pretty much, at this point, it’s borderline inevitable.  I don’t want it to be true, but folks, it’s best you start getting used to the idea, because the odds are overwhelmingly good that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States of America.  Katy, bar the door.

Obama can’t beat her- as I’ve spent a little bit of time chronicling here on this blog (and could have spent copious amounts more), he’s probably the dimmest light bulb in the presidential candidate box right now   He’s a goner.  Which is ironic, because he seems to also represent the best chance we have of avoiding President Clinton Now Redux.

So she gets the dem-nom.

McCain is OLD.  Period.  Plus, conservatives hate him.  They really do.  I don’t hate the guy- I’ve actually grown to like him a lot more over the past few months; I don’t make the decisions though, and even if I did, campaign finance reform was probably a big enough sin to disqualify him from the presidential post.

Ron Paul can’t win.  I love his tenacity and his love for libertarian ideals, but let’s face it- the guy’s a nutter.  And even if he wasn’t, his following is nutty enough that the American people would shun him based solely on the people who represent him.  This isn’t fair, of course- but presidential politics rarely are.

Fred Thompson, you say?  Daniel Larison seems to think he’ll be the Republican nominee; not that Larison is a prognosticator of prognosticators- I happen to think it will be Romney- but if he’s right and it is Thompson, he will lose to Hillary.  Despite his being from Tennessee, Thompson isn’t, um, “Christian enough” to appeal to people in the South and the Midwest like those I go to church with- I don’t see the lady who heads up Saturday Night Worship and Prayer voting Fred, for example.  And it doesn’t help that he’s been snubbing James Dobson a little lately, either. His charisma, if he has the right kind, might be able to make up for this, but (from what I’ve seen) he doesn’t have the right kind.  He’s a Hollywood guy- and not an Old Hollywood guy either, like Reagan was.  There’s a big difference between Cary Grant and George Clooney.  Thompson reminds one more of Charles Grodin than Ronald Reagan.

Huckabee.  Has no money.  He’s out.  He’ll hang around a few more months nd disappear.

Giuliani, as my pal Pedro pointed out to me tonight, has been “blackmailed by Dobson”.  Now as a fan of James Dobson I take issue with that choice of words, but I’m not sycophantic enough that his point is lost on me.  Giuliani might have represented the best chance we had to stop the Hillary ’08 bullet train, but his conservative credentials don’t seem to be pure enough for the folks over at Focus on the Family.  I’m sympathetic enough to the positions FotF purport, yet I question the decision to come out against the guy so early.  As has been said over and over again in various places, we are not voting for a Pastor in Chief.

Which brings me to Mitt.  To be honest, I’ve been a fan of this guy from the beginning.  Call me crazy and naive, but I believe in his sincerity.  I think he has what it takes to lead the country in the times that are coming, and I believe he possesses the moral authority we ought to expect of persons we put in that position.  And oddly enough, as a person intimately acquainted with the thinking of Right Wing nut jobs like myself, I also believe that the leaders of the most conservative of national groups will extend the benefit of the doubt to him which they have denied to Giuliani and over look his Mormonism.  Which speaks well of such people by the way, because it means that what is important to us is values and not politics.  And so Dobson et al will back Romney.

And Clinton will beat him.  It will probably be close, and very exciting, and I’ll do everything I can with what limited power I possess to make sure it doesn’t happen, but it will.  Because as much as I like Mitt, one irrefutable fact has been pointed out in too many places for me to ignore it: he’s too slick.  He is the typical Mormon patriarch.  I’m not bashing Mormons here-  as a Christian I think they are deceived of course, but I admire their family values and the level of sincere happiness they have because of that.  Watch the episode of South Park where the Mormon family moves into town if you want to see how most Americans perceive Mormons. Most Americans don’t like anything that seems bogus, and unfortunately Mormons come off as bogus.   They want someone with more grit.  Romney doesn’t have that and will have a hard time manufacturing it.

So barring miracles and signs and wonders, we’re in for 4 years of Clinton dominated politics, the first 2 years of which will be coupled with a Democratic Congress.  Stevens will resign from the court over that time, and perhaps Ginsburg as well, and we will have 2 more young liberal judges installed on the Supreme Court- ensuring a continued 5-4 liberal majority. We’ll probably see some sort of national health care forced on us (poor Canadians- where will they go for MRI’s?).  The ban on stem cell research will be lifted.  The cause of homosexual marriage will probably advance somewhat,although how far is difficult to know.

On the bright side, I think Americans will quickly become sick of her leadership, and fire her in 2012.  She’s smart enough to understand that we can’t pull out of Iraq and can’t just ignore Iran.  She won’t fall asleep at the wheel of domestic security either.  The border fence will probably continue to be built, by sheer political will of the American people screaming for it.

All that to say- it’s not the end of the world.  But is sure does stink.